Maitland Integrated Land Use & Transport Study

Identified how land use and transport can be integrated to improve access to housing, jobs and services, which promote opportunities for public transport, walking and cycling and kept with projected growth over the short, medium and long term

Encompassing the Maitland City locality with an area of 396 square kilometres, about 170 kilometres north of Sydney, and presented the system capacity to accommodate the expected population growth over the next 20 years

The integrated land use and transport study contained two core components – an overall study of the entire Local Government Area and a study focusing on Maitland Central Business Districted. The city-wide study projected urban development areas, evaluated route networks, reviewed access by each transport mode, assessed the street system, land use and transport strategy and flood evacuation plan.  The CBD study reviewed current land use, evaluated road network, assessed pedestrian, cyclist, public transport and access management plans, appraised parking, parking strategy and heritage.


  • Delivered a traffic and transport management scheme, pedestrian access and mobility plan, bicycle plan, land use and parking strategy, city access plan, infrastructure plan and draft Section 94 Contributions plan for access and transport for the Maitland City area.

  • Outcome supported by Maitland City Council.

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Maitland Integrated Land Use & Transport Study »
Maitland Integrated Land Use & Transport Study »